Bibo 3D Printer Review

Whether you’re a newbie that’s just starting your journey in 3D printing and you’re looking for an excellent 3D printer, or you’re a professional 3D printer who needs a new 3D printer or wants an additional printer to join the other collection, you’re in the right place. The truth is, the struggle involved in shopping for a new quality 3D printer is the same for newbies, hobbyists, or professionals. Also, you may have a hard time dishing out your trust in just any 3D printer you find.

Don’t worry! As a 3D printer technical support team, we set out to swap your fears when shopping for a new 3D printer with confidence. After testing tons of 3D printer models in the space of 10-15 years, we know which 3D printer is the real deal and which one isn’t worth a penny but has a lot of advert noise around it. To save you from falling victim to the hands of purchasing beautiful nonsense, we’ve taken our time as a team to test and observe user’s reviews on Amazon and across all platforms on a lot of 3d printer models in the market, including the Bibo 3D printer.

As a team, we all documented our findings upon encountering this 3D printer model and other models. Then, we converted our results into review articles. This review on the Bibo 3D printer is a dozen other 3D printer reviews that we have up our sleeves.

This article will examine the key features, specifications, and how this Bibo 3D printer compares with other 3D printers within the same price range. You don’t want to miss this. So, buckle up, and let’s go for a ride.

Bibo 3D printer Specifications

  • Brand: BIBO
  • Model Number: BIBO2 touch
  • Color: Silver/Red
  • Item Weight: 40.2 pounds
  • Dimension: 21.65 x 20.16 x 17.24 inches
  • Size: BIBO 2 Touch
  • Style: Standard Model
  • Frame: Aluminum
  • Material: plastic
  • Connectivity Technology: Wi-Fi, USB
  • Filament Detection Sensor: Yes
  • Filament Diameter: 1.75 mm
  • Compatible Material: High Impact Polystyrene Sheet, Plastic, Polyvinyl Alcohol, Acrylic, Thermoplastic Polyurethane, Polycarbonate, Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene, Polylactic Acid.
  • Print Recovery Option: Yes
  • Bed Leveling: Manual
  • Maximum Heated Bed Temperature: 100 ℃
  • Print Head: Dual nozzle
  • Maximum Hot End Temperature: 270 ℃
  • Printer Technology: Laser
  • Nozzle Size: 0.4 mm
  • Print Bed Material: Glass
  • Feeder System: Direct drive
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Pros & Cons


  • You can print two different objects on different areas on the print bed, in different colors.
  • The aluminum frames contribute to the precision printing and stability of this 3D printer.
  • It comes with a removable printer glass bed that makes it easy to remove your objects after printing.
  • This printer supports a wide variety of filament materials to be used to print out your desired objects.


  • The build area is not large enough to accommodate particular printable objects.
  • It lacks auto-bed leveling features.
BIBO 3D Printer Dual Extruder
Click for Details

Bibo 3D printer Features

Launched in 2016 on Amazon Circa, this 3D printer is the real deal. We couldn’t help but notice the dozens of positive reviews that it got on Amazon. It was quite a lot. But we had to see for ourselves. So, we ordered one off of Amazon. Truthfully, our experience with it was fantastic. Here are some of the features that stood out for us.


When we set our eyes on the Bibo 3D printer, we were taken aback by its beauty and compactness. The Aluminum frame is nothing short of attractive. Of course, Bibo didn’t build this printer with regular aluminum. Instead, the Bibo team deployed an aluminum panel that is thick and has high-density. Truthfully, this aluminum frame contributes to its beauty. So, it feels sleek and innovative.
Aside from aesthetics, the aluminum panel also works to improve the quality of your prints. You get very crisps print, thanks to the aluminum panel in action. Overall, the design might feel a bit ancient. But it is beautiful nonetheless. Also, it has an enclosed structure.
The enclosed form is perfect for any printing filament to have a swell time while in action.
Couples with the acrylic lid and the door, you won’t need to struggle with tough filaments while you print any object of your choice. With its compact structure, it won’t take up too many spaces in your house.


What’s more exciting about the Bibo 3D printer is how they designed it to pick up from the last stop if you ever run out of filament while printing. It’s all thanks to the filament run-out detection technology built into the printer.

Here’s how it works! Since nobody is perfect, you could miscalculate just how much filament would be sufficient to print out an object. However, we get disappointed when our calculations are wrong. Now, when this happens with other 3D printers, you’d most likely lose your files. On the contrary, this 3D printer saves your work. So, we did a little experiment to test this feature, and we found it true. I loaded a little filament quantity into the 3D printer and attempted to print a cup. All was going until it stopped printing halfway. Then, it stopped the printer, refilled the filament, and started re-printing.

To my utmost surprise, it came just continued from where it previously stopped. Of course, I was eager to see the result; specifically, I wanted to know if the interruption would show on the cup. But it didn’t show. I have to say; I was pretty pleased with the result.

Dual Extruder:

Sure, there are a handful of 3D printers these days that deploy the use of dual extruders. So, how could this Bibo printer be any different from the other 3D printers with dual extruders? Well, for one, these extruders are scary stable. I mean, I was taken aback by its stability while printing. It was like I had found a stable partner to make my printing work easy enough for me. Then, the precision at printing is stunning.

It perfectly forges every single detail on your object with the precision that, I dare say, is next to none of the other printers in its class. Then, with the drive extruder technology in place, you won’t suffer the woes of your filament bending while in the transmission tube. Also, if you enjoy printing in two colors, then you’d love this printer. Another thing is, both extruders are perfectly balanced and aligned, which is something that’s not easy to find with the majority of dual extruder 3D printers in the market. What you’ll mostly get is one extruder slightly lower than the other. The impact? Your printed object would be significantly affected as the extruder could design your object with unwanted scars.

Power Detection:

While you might not be affected by a power outage, let’s quickly paint a scenario. So, imagine one day, you urgently need to print out a couple of things for a project. Then, boom! The power plant breaks down, and the whole of America is plunged into a blackout for a couple of hours. Now, if you’ve already filled in your printing data before the power outage, you already know that it’s equivalent to wasted effort with other 3D printers.

Hence, when the electricity is back, you’ll have to start all over again. That’s frustrating. Thankfully, you don’t have to go through that traumatizing experience with this 3D printer. When you experience a power outage, the power detection feature on this Bibo printer detects it and instantly saves all your settings and effort. Once it sees a power source, it automatically begins to print out your object. I
have to say that I found this pretty impressive for a 2016 3D printer. It’s so innovative.

Cooling Fans:

Thanks to the cooling fans attached to the nozzle, printing materials that need high temperatures has just gotten easier. As you probably know, printing without cooling fans can mess up your object. You could end up with something entirely different and ugly than what you intended to print. It also encourages the bridging of your materials. With two power cooling fans, you’re guaranteed precise printing, especially with materials that prove problematic. The fans are also easy to control. While printing, if you feel the need to adjust the setting of the fan, you’d realize that you’ll do it quickly.

So far, so good, the print quality is next to perfect, especially for 3D printers in its class. I classify it as next to excellent because while printing with it, I couldn’t help but notice some shadowing while printing. Nevertheless, the overall printing quality is quite precise and remarkable for its price. Of course, it owes its near extreme precision to some of the other features of this printer. More so, if you’re wondering why there’s shadowing, my team and I think it’s due to the second extruder on the printer.

The weight of the dual extruder may be the culprit behind the shadowing. In addition, if you expect the printing speed of this printer to be fast, you’ll probably be disappointed at the end of the day. While it is not an entirely slow printer, it’s not the fastest either. Although you can double up the printing speed, the downside to that is the quality of your printed object would be below. That said, it’s best to print outer layers at 60 to 80mm/s and infills at 100mm/s. Any speed above the stated speed would ruin the print quality of your object. Frankly, we’re not mad at all. With all the juicy features it’s got, the Bibo printer is bound to pay for all the great features with something, especially at a price it’s worth.

Laser Engraving:

Another delightful feature we noticed with this printer is that it doesn’t only work to print objects. It also operates an engraver. So, if you have a material made from wood, cardboard, paper, plastic, etc., whose looks you want to spice up with some designs, this 3D printer can engrave your desired design on the object for you. More interesting is the fact that the laser engraver is removable. You can take it out and replace it with your extruder anytime it’s a 3D print O’clock. If you’ve run out of filaments and you’re still waiting for your filament to be delivered, you can swap the extruder for the 500MW engraving laser to engrave cool designs on your desired objects. Awesome yeah?

Bibo 3D printer Alternatives

Flashforge Creator Pro:

This 3D printer shares a lot of similarities with the Bibo touch 2 printer. Unlike the first 3D printer version from the creator, this printer model comes with a sturdier metal frame for increased stability. The 6.3mm aluminum build platform is wrap resistant. In essence, it won’t budge when subjected to intense heat levels. It has cooling fans as well as covers made with acrylic for ABS material protection and insulation. The cooling fan is framed to help the molding process of your object. The nozzle is also perfect for the majority of printing tasks with quite a several filaments.

Creality CR-10:

One of the best features of this Creality CR-10 3D Printer is the monitor that works to alert you when the filament has been exhausted. It would resume your printing from the last stop when your filament gets exhausted like the Bibo filament.


Although the Bibo 3D printer has many great features, it is primarily ideal for those familiar with the 3D printing field. In other words, a beginner might find it challenging to use. Hence, greenhorns shouldn’t purchase this 3D printer as their initial printer for practicing how to 3D print. Sure, they can go ahead to buy this printer after they’ve gotten familiar with the basics of 3D printing.

Sure, this printer is compact and portable, but it is functional at the same time. It won’t just sit pretty on your shelf or table. Instead, it would give you high-quality 3D printing. Let’s not forget that this 3D printing machine also skillfully doubles as a laser engraver for any object. Hence, you can either engrave a design on the object you’ve printed or on a random object whose looks you’re in the mood to change. Truthfully, for its price and how it prints with precision, this printer is a good buy.

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